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Düsseldorf , Germany
MEDICA Healthcare Brokerage Event
iPRODUCE aims to deliver a novel social manufacturing platform to enable multi-stakeholder interactions and collaborations to support user-driven open-innovation and co-creation.

The iPRODUCE platform is an open digital platform that facilitates co-creation ventures, and is used by a set of innovative tools that support matchmaking, secure interactions, generative product design, process orchestration, co-creation up to agile prototyping, usability evaluations and lifecycle management.

Six local ‘ecosystems’ from Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain (composed of SME associations, manufacturing and specialist SMEs, Fablabs, Makers spaces, and others) under the concept of collaborative manufacturing demonstration facilities (cMDFs) will deploy the platform.

Various best practices – also from the healthcare sector – have been identified and shown within the project.

Project facts:

Project title: A Social Manufacturing Framework for Streamlined Multi-stakeholder Open Innovation Missions in Consumer Goods Sectors

Project acronym: iPRODUCE

Type: Innovation Action (IA)

Call: H2020-NMBP-FOF-2019 | DT-FOF-05-2019 - Open Innovation for collaborative production engineering

Duration: January 2020 – June 2023

A webinar organised  - in the run-up to the event - by the project members from ZENIT, Fraunhofer FIT, AidPlex GP and Copenhagen Business School with 17 participants has showcased best practices, product services and the project status as well the outlook of iPRODUCE.

Feel free to screen and watch a video of the webinar – iPRODUCE a social manufacturing platform for co-creation ventures – also in the healthcare sector. See video here.

Closed since 30 November 2022
Onsite: Messe Düsseldorf, Hall 6, First Floor Gallery, Stand A6.1
Organised by
Manufacturer 143
Service provider 48
Other 28
Distribution company of foreign products 24
Consulting 23
Research organisation 20
Association/Agency 11
Governmental Organisation 9
Investor/Business Angels/Finance 9
Academia 7
Hospital/Nursing Home 3
Total 325
Profile views
Total 13734